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Filtering by Tag: Travel

Desert Destination - Joshua Tree National Park

Norma Newton

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   The awe-inspiring Joshua Tree National Park is brimming with natural beauty and adventure.   Located approximately two and half hours east of Los Angeles, this majestic park sits on nearly 800,000 acres of preserved land where the Mojave and Colorado deserts meet.  The landscape varies from amazing rock formations, to miles upon miles of Joshua tree filled terrain, to areas bursting with spring wildflowers.  Although the environment might seem otherworldly at times, this magical location is very much an earthly wonder and attracts over a million visitors per year.

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   Adventure lovers of all ages and types can find many opportunities to be challenged and inspired at Joshua Tree.  The park boasts over 8,000 climbing routes and 190 miles of hiking trails, of varying difficulty, to be explored.  Those looking for less physical activities can go on a scenic drive through the park, compose Instagram worthy photos or sketch the day away.  A visitor can easily lose track of the hours with so much to see and experience in the park.

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   While time seems to slip away in the desert, the sun is a constant companion and visitors should take precautionary measures to stay safe.  Joshua tree is open year round, but the peak visiting season is during the Spring and Fall when the temperature is more moderate.

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   After spending the past weekend in Joshua Tree, we can happily report that the wildflower blooms are going strong at the southern end of the park near the Bajada Nature Trail.  If you take a trip out soon, you might just see the amazing blooms.  But, no need to fret, even without blooms Joshua Tree National Park is sure enchant.

Airstream Adventures at Caravan Outpost Hotel

Norma Newton

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   Interested in a getaway that feels a bit more creative and edgier than a regular hotel, but still want excellent service, top of the line amenities and a relaxing vibe?  Then the Caravan Outpost Hotel located in Ojai, California might be just what you need.

Credit: Caravan Outpost Hotel

Credit: Caravan Outpost Hotel

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   This special hotel has been open for a few months and boasts 11 carefully appointed Airstream trailers.  The campsite sits on a beautifully landscaped oasis in the middle of Ojai and has a wonderfully eclectic gift shop that doubles as a reception area and gathering place.  Each trailer is unique, although comfort and a bohemian vibe are common threads.  All the trailers have been lovingly curated with unique touches like vintage records, interesting books and small succulent friends.

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   Guests can chose whether they want to participate in campsite activities or keep a low profile. The food situation is a case in point.  You can get your communal living on by cooking a meal at the campfire or participating in a marshmallow roast.  Privacy seekers can always stay in and cook in the trailer since each is outfitted with pots, pans and other cooking necessities.  During our stay, we enjoyed a quiet evening in the Mali Mish while we cooked and listened to the sound of birds chirping outside the window.  If cooking is not your idea of a vacation activity, fear not, you can jump on one of the complementary Public bikes and head to your favorite restaurants.  

   Clearly, this is not your stereotypical trailer park campsite.  Oh no, the Caravan Outpost fell out of a boho-chic, glamping fairytale to reframe the adventure get away options.  We say, bring on this type of caravanning!

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Clothing Credit: Shirt - Jcrew; Vest - Milena Silvano; Jeans - Rag & Bone; Shoes - Zapateria Guido (Argentina)

Crushing on Zona Maco 2017

Norma Newton

Credit: Artnet (Salon 94 at Zona Maco)

Credit: Artnet (Salon 94 at Zona Maco)

  It is difficult to accurately describe the type of electricity and hype surrounding Latin America’s most prominent art fair - Mexico City’s Zona Maco.  The festivities start the night before the fair with fantastic gallery openings and parties that light up various neighborhoods in the city.  Dozens of galleries, museums and artists open their doors to welcome art lovers of all types. Between Zona Maco, the Material Art fair, gallery and museum openings, art is the consistent word.  The city simply buzzes with people from around the world waiting to take in works by emerging and blue chip artists.

Credit: ArtNews (Alfredo Jaar, A Logo for America (1987-2014), 2016/Galerie LeLong)

Credit: ArtNews (Alfredo Jaar, A Logo for America (1987-2014), 2016/Galerie LeLong)

Credit: Kurimanzutto (Gabriel Orozco, 2017)

Credit: Kurimanzutto (Gabriel Orozco, 2017)

The Uber drivers ask if you’re in town for it, the bartenders ask if you need a tequila after a long day of walking, the shop keepers ask if you enjoyed the art.  Yes, yes, and yes.  Mexico City during Zona Maco is an experience to be savored and revisited.  It inspires and can leave you weak in the knees...much like sipping a lovely tequila.  Counting the days until Zona Maco 2018.

Credit: Zona Maco

Credit: Zona Maco

Age - It’s Only a Number


Photo By: Todd Heisler

Photo By: Todd Heisler

  Have you ever considered quitting something that truly made you happy because you did not achieve a preconceived level of success by a certain age?  It takes a wise and loving friend to remind us that age and preconceived notions of success are not the most important things in life.  Instead, perhaps we should live a life in pursuit of our passion and trust that everything else will fall into place.  If you don’t believe us, perhaps the story of Carmen Herrera will have you singing a different tune. 

Photo by: Jason Schmidt/Lisson Gallery

Photo by: Jason Schmidt/Lisson Gallery

  After several decades of painting with little recognition by the established art world, the Cuban born painter began to gain widespread recognition for her strong use of color and line in her 80s.  Now, the painter is experiencing a career high with work in various private and public collections including the MOMA, the Whitney Museum and the Tate Collection.  The artist turned 101 in 2016 and rung in another year with an exhibit at the Lisson Gallery in NYC (May 3 - June 11, 2016).  The Whitney also displayed her work this year (September 16, 2016 - January 9, 2017).  The show included 50 pieces, spanning three decades of her work, and was her first solo museum presentation in New York since 1998.  So, the next time you think about quitting something that brings you joy, remember that it can take time for the rest of the world to catch up to your greatness.

Photo by: Ronald Amstutz

Photo by: Ronald Amstutz

Photo by: Ronald Amstutz

Photo by: Ronald Amstutz

Photo by: Alison Klayman

Photo by: Alison Klayman