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Filtering by Category: Live

Art Collector Crush

Norma Newton

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

When I grow up, I want to be like Eileen Harris Norton. The activist art collector has sparked conversations about race and gender in the contemporary art world for the past thirty years and hasn’t stopped. Recently, I came across these photos of Norton’s home and my crush went up a notch (who knew it was possible?). I can’t stop daydreaming about the way Norton lives with her art. Talk about home goals!

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

Photo credit: Stephen Kent Johnson for AD

A Cozy Sueno

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

The sun finally made an appearance today, but it’s still chilly out. I’ll be battling another cold weekend with a warm Sueño blanket. These handmade dreams combine Mexican sarapes and a super soft sherpa fabric to create the ultimate cozy feel. Nothing like a colorful throw to keep away the February frost. Stay warm friends!

Rainy Days

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Sam Frost/C Magazine

Photo Credit: Sam Frost/C Magazine

The Los Angeles sky was once again filled with clouds and rain today. These gloomy days always remind me of family and cozy interiors. In an attempt to battle away the grey, I’m sharing some of my favorite photos from Jeet Sohal’s Hancock Park home. The jeweler bravely uses color and a ton of style to fill her family digs. To see more of photos of Sohal’s home head on over to C Magazine.

Love the mixture of patterns and ancestral elements in this room. Photo Credit: Sam Frost/C Magazine

Love the mixture of patterns and ancestral elements in this room. Photo Credit: Sam Frost/C Magazine

Nothing like a blue bedroom to make me smile! Photo Credit: Sam Frost/C Magazine

Nothing like a blue bedroom to make me smile! Photo Credit: Sam Frost/C Magazine

On the Home Front - Beatrice Valenzuela

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Mother Mag

Photo Credit: Mother Mag

   In anticipation of Mother’s Day and the Echo Park Craft Fair (both happening this week!) we are sharing a few of our favorite photos from Beatrice Valenzuela’s home.  The radiant Valenzuela is a clothing designer, mommy of two, and one of the EPCF co-founders.  Enjoy!

Photo Credit: The Local Rose

Photo Credit: The Local Rose

Photo Credit: Apartment Therapy

Photo Credit: Apartment Therapy

Photo Credit: Mother Mag

Photo Credit: Mother Mag

Photo Credit: Apartment Therapy

Photo Credit: Apartment Therapy

Fighting Food Waste - Imperfect Produce

Norma Newton

A recently delivered box of produce from Imperfect Produce.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

A recently delivered box of produce from Imperfect Produce.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

   Guilty of not buying completely edible produce because it does not look a certain way?  Turns out, you are not alone - we do it too!  Each year tons (think billions) of great tasting produce goes to landfills in part because stores will not sell cosmetically challenged fruits and vegetables.  Fortunately, the Emeryville based company, Imperfect Produce, seeks to change this reality.

   Imperfect works directly with growers to sell their oversupply and odd looking produce. These fruits and vegetables taste the same and have all the nutrients as their grocery store counterparts, but sometimes look a little different.  The seasonal produce is sold at 30-50% below store prices and each order is fully customizable before it arrives on your doorstep.  Delivery is currently available in certain parts of California, although founders Ben Simon and Ben Chasler plan to expand across the country.

   Who knew reducing food waste, supporting local farmers and being thrifty could be so easy?  Something tells us we’ll never be able to look at store produce in the same way.   

Fava beans deemed imperfect due to some external scars.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

Fava beans deemed imperfect due to some external scars.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

A sampling of the most imperfect looking produce in our box.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

A sampling of the most imperfect looking produce in our box.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)