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Relaxing One Sound At A Time - A Sound Bath with Victoria Keen

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Victoria Keen

Photo Credit: Victoria Keen

   The effervescent Victoria Keen, a sound artist and all around creative spirit, is bringing her magical sound baths to Culver City.  Wondering what’s a sound bath?  In simple terms, it’s an opportunity to lay down, listen to sounds and relax.  Behind the scenes, while you’re on the verge of falling asleep from the lullaby of beautiful sounds, Keen is actually tapping into the ancient healing modality of sound and vibration to promote rest and well being.

Photo Credit: Victoria Keen

Photo Credit: Victoria Keen

   The sounds Keen produces are meant to calm the body enough so it enters into a deep state of relaxation.  Keen explains, “...people are in constant fight or flight mode from the frenetic pace of modern living…[and] sound works to calm the sympathetic nervous system so the parasympathetic nervous system can be activated, relaxing our human organism.”  As the body slows down, it is able to repair and come into greater balance.  In Keen’s sound tool box there are instruments to clear energy, induce a meditative state and everything in between - all aimed at helping the body unwind.  Inspired by her training as a pianist and visual artist, Keen “weaves a sonic tapestry that is also a prayer, meditation,...and a healing experience.”  Like a true artist, she selects her instruments for a session based on intuition and the energy of the gathering.

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

   Keen discovered sound healing after a transformative experience with Mitch Naur (one of the longest playing Gong masters in the United States).  After the encounter she felt compelled to learn more and in 2013 she completed Naur’s Gong training.  Now, she helps others enjoy the benefits of sound baths.  Keen begins every session with a group intention and offers “a prayer up for the larger collective.”  Participants are invited to set a personal intention, if they wish, as Keen believes intentions are magnified in group settings.  After about an hour of Keen’s beautiful sound symphony, the session gently ends and life resumes.

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

   We recently attended one of Keen’s sound baths at WMN Space in Culver City and were blown away by how relaxed and clear headed we felt afterward.  This auditory meditation experience had us floating for days.  While different people will inevitably have different feelings and sensations during the session, commonly cited results include clarity of mind and feeling calm.  Our universal recommendation?  In order to really enjoy the sound bath, bring an open mind (Keen also recommends toting along your favorite eye cover and blanket).


To find Keen, follow her on Instagram. Currently, Keen plays a monthly First Friday Sacred Sound Bath at WMN Space in Culver City.