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Women Healing Women - WMN Space

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Mel Blanchard via Domino

Photo Credit: Mel Blanchard via Domino

   The recently opened WMN Space in Culver City, awash in light and the smell of palo santo, offers a sense of calm almost immediately upon entering its welcome area.  This wonderful oasis provides a community where women can gather to heal, grow and learn - all with a sense of consciousness.  Paula Mallis, a doula/mother/spiritual counselor turned entrepreneur, created the space to support women as they navigate the journey of life.  Mallis and her team provide assistance in spades by offering various healing modalities in a comforting and stylish setting.

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

   Women of all types come together to explore seemingly every topic under the sun at this gorgeous gathering center.  On any given day you might come across a full moon circle, tea ceremony, birth prep class or sound bath.  Whether you are trying to eat healthier, coping with an empty nest, or learning to meditate, there is a little something for everyone.  Group healing not your style?  No worries, private treatments and therapies are available upon request.

Photo Credit: Mel Blanchard via Domino

Photo Credit: Mel Blanchard via Domino

   In case we haven’t made it clear, this is not your run of the mill healing locale.  Oh, no ma’am. Decorated in a minimalist meets Cali chic way, WMN embodies beauty and serenity (with a healthy dose of sisterhood).  This healing hot spot also provides an opportunity to pick up expertly curated brands from ZenBunni to Savannah King’s Third Eye jewelry, so leave some time after your session to peruse.  Go ahead, try that class you’re curious about and experience how WMN beckons you to make tea (in their gorgeous handmade cups) and stay for a while.

WMN Space is located at 10764 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal