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Daytime Delights - Destroyer Restaurant

Norma Newton

Credit: LA Weekly/Anne Fishbein

Credit: LA Weekly/Anne Fishbein

   Jordan Kahn’s Culver City restaurant, Destroyer, serves up tasty delights for the serious foodie.  Although the restaurant's name might conjure up gigantic portions of heavy food that knock you into a deep food coma, this is not that kind of place.

Raw oatmeal bowl.   (Credit: Hermosa Journal)

Raw oatmeal bowl.   (Credit: Hermosa Journal)

   Destroyer serves delicately layered food with a lot of subtle flavor, at a reasonable price.  Our breakfast favorite is the crunchy raw oatmeal served with red currants and almond milk. Yum!

Credit: Hermosa Journal

Credit: Hermosa Journal

   Open only during the week for breakfast and lunch, Kahn’s latest locale is filled with food loving people.  One thing to note, besides the hours, is the tough parking situation (bring quarters just in case you get lucky and find a nearby metered spot).  Hours of operation and parking difficulties aside, once you make it to the restaurant you’ll be rewarded with tasty and interesting food created by a chef that was added to Food and Wine’s 2017 Best New Chefs list.