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Learning Spanish at Chiqui Social

Norma Newton

A family exploring Chiqui Social’s kitchen space. Photo Credit: Chiqui Social

A family exploring Chiqui Social’s kitchen space. Photo Credit: Chiqui Social

Chiqui Social is taking language learning to another level. Created by Lizet Alvarez, Chiqui is an immersion studio that teaches Spanish in a fun and purposeful way. Instructors spread the joy of speaking Spanish to youngsters through a mixture of progressive and traditional teaching methods, with a heavy dose of lightheartedness.

Chiqui isn’t just for kids though. Parents are also welcome at Chiqui. The social hub has several offerings for grownups including workshops, family happy hours and mindful mommy and me classes.

Situated in Culver City, the studio is a calm home-like oasis, beautifully appointed with artisanal wares. Outfitted with a sunny cheerful kitchen, an outdoor space and a thoughtfully curated store; there is a little something for everyone at Chiqui.

If you want your children to learn Spanish and are looking for an inviting community, Chiqui is the place!

Lizet Alvarez, owner of Chiqui Social. Photo credit: Chiqui Social

Lizet Alvarez, owner of Chiqui Social. Photo credit: Chiqui Social

Ready for play time in the studio space. Photo credit: Chiqui Social

Ready for play time in the studio space. Photo credit: Chiqui Social

Outdoor fun in Chiqui’s backyard space. Photo credit: Chiqui Social

Outdoor fun in Chiqui’s backyard space. Photo credit: Chiqui Social