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B.Yellowtail x Land of Nod Capsule Collection

Norma Newton

An art print part of the B.Yellowtail x Land of Nod collection. The design was created by Wakeah Jhane (Comanche/Blackfeet/Kiowa).  (Credit: B.Yellowtail)

An art print part of the B.Yellowtail x Land of Nod collection. The design was created by Wakeah Jhane (Comanche/Blackfeet/Kiowa).  (Credit: B.Yellowtail)

    Have you heard about the B.Yellowtail and Land of Nod collaboration?  One of our favorite designers has just launched a gorgeous collection with the retailing powerhouse.  The entire collection is based on original design pieces handcrafted by Native artisans who are members of the B.Yellowtail Collective.  From art to blankets, and everything in between, the collection is full of color and covet worthy design.  Now, children everywhere can discover the beauty of authentic indigenous culture and creativity.  What a wonderful way to incorporate Native elements into your favorite little person’s space!