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Celia, Frida and La Catrina - A Lil’ Libros Library

Norma Newton

Select titles from the Lil' Libros library.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

Select titles from the Lil' Libros library.  (Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal)

   We have been in love with the Lil’ Libros creations since 2014.  The company produces unique bilingual children’s books, games and posters.  Created by life long friends, Patty Rodriguez and Ariana Stein, all the books in the Lil’ Libros collection feature luxurious colors, playful illustrations and fun wording.

Lil' Libros books make wonderful birthday gifts.  (Hermosa Journal).

Lil' Libros books make wonderful birthday gifts.  (Hermosa Journal).

   Rodriguez and Stein started the company after they each began having children and realized that something was missing from the board book market - culturally relevant bilingual books they loved.  Both of the Lil’ Libros founders are first generation Americans (with parents hailing from Mexico) committed to helping children become bilingual.  In the Spring of 2017, these passionate dual language advocates added another gem to their treasure trove of children’s titles: The Life of/La Vida de Celia.  This title comfortably falls right in line with the company’s other fabulous books we can’t get enough of like Frida, Loteria, and Un Elefante.

Lil' Libros as party favors.  (Hermosa Journal)

Lil' Libros as party favors.  (Hermosa Journal)

   Interested in getting their newest gem?  The Lil’ Libros team is now taking pre-orders for their 10th title, La Catrina.  If you are looking for ways to expose the little ones in your life to the beauty of reading in English and Spanish, a Lil’ Libros gift is a perfect solution.