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A Crystal Filled Closing Party: Place 8 Healing

Norma Newton

Credit: Place 8 Healing (Azalea Lee and client)

Credit: Place 8 Healing (Azalea Lee and client)

   We are sad to report that crystal guru Azalea Lee of Place 8 Healing will be closing her gorgeous, sun soaked, crystal filled downtown Los Angeles penthouse.  In its current incarnation, the talented Lee created a soothing and minimalist perch where she performed in-person crystal healings, worked on her jewelry line and sold collector quality mineral specimens.  Place 8 is closing its current jewel box because they have outgrown the location, but Lee has big plans for her next locale.

   As Lee dreams up her next outpost, she will continue to have an online presence, while performing Intuitive Crystal Readings and Distance Crystal Healings.  She will also devote significant energy to her metaphysical fine jewelry line As Above So Below.  Interested in saying goodbye to Place 8’s physical space?  Lee is hosting a closing party Saturday February 25, 2017 from 11-6 pm with mini-readings from Akashic Record and Angel Card.  After the closing party, we will be left day-dreaming about the next beautiful creation Lee has in store for her clients.

Credit: Place 8 Healing
Credit: Place 8 Healing