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Jewelry for the Learned - Doctora Designs

Norma Newton

A cuff by Doctora Designs.  (Credit: Hermosa Journal)

A cuff by Doctora Designs.  (Credit: Hermosa Journal)

   You did it. You got that degree.  Now, you can celebrate all your hard work with a meaningful and sophisticated piece of jewelry.  We aren’t talking about any old piece of finery, we are talking about bling that does good and makes a statement.  We are referring to Doctora Designs.

   Launched in 2017, by Dr. Angela Chen, Doctora Designs celebrates the academic achievement and the wisdom in all of us.  The company was born out of Chen’s experience as a woman of color in graduate school challenging stereotypes and the status quo.  As an activist and former undocumented student, Chen wanted to empower scholars like her - those who are often rendered invisible due to gender, class or immigration status.  Holding this intention close to her heart, Chen created a line of jewelry to honor educated beauties and christened the venture Doctora Designs to embrace populations not traditionally considered knowledge holders.  

   When you buy a Doctora piece, you can embrace your own hard work while contributing to the achievement of others.  This great company donates a portion of every sale to the Doctora Textbook Scholarship which helps students get books and school supplies.  That's right, the recognition of your own journey also helps other people.  Think of Doctora jewelry as a way for your beliefs and activism to follow you regardless of whether you are working in a lab, a courtroom or protesting on the street.

   Next time you are trying to figure out how to treat yourself for getting that advanced degree or when your bestie completes her studies, head over to Doctora Designs.  Shop on!