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For The Love Of Books: La Librería

Norma Newton

Photos by: Hermosa Journal

Photos by: Hermosa Journal

  Looking for beautiful children's books written in Spanish, can be grueling.  Many books are just poorly translated versions of the original which make most readers cringe.  Thankfully, someone in book heaven heard our complaints and delivered LA Librería.  This thoughtfully designed bookstore not only carries carefully selected books in Spanish from around the world, but it also acts as a cultural hub hosting fun events for children of all ages.

  The chic founders of LA Librería, Chiara and Celene, are very attentive and helpful.  Looking for a board book for your pre-reader from Guatemala, or a book about starting school from Spain, or perhaps a beautifully illustrated page turner with folktales from Mexico?  Then, check out La Librería.

  With a deep passion and respect for children’s literacy and bilingual education, Chiara and Celene lovingly curate an outstanding selection of books, music, and other goodies.  Next time you want to swoop up some amazing books, don’t forget to stop by La Librería or visit their online store.


La Libreria is located at 4732 1/2 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016.