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Shoulders, Shoulders, Shoulders - Johanna Ortiz

Norma Newton

A classic off-the-shoulder Ortiz top worn by Nausheen Shah.

A classic off-the-shoulder Ortiz top worn by Nausheen Shah.

   Colombian designer Johanna Ortiz, largely credited for igniting the off-the shoulder craze, is adding wedding dresses to her design portfolio.  Ortiz has recently teamed up with Moda Operandi to launch her debut bridal collection.  Brides-to-be can choose from 12 looks in off-white colors and natural fabrics - all of which ooze femininity.  Ruffles, plunging necklines and a lot of shoulder (of course) is what a bride can expect from Ortiz’s newest designs.

Photo Credit: Moda Operandi

Photo Credit: Moda Operandi

Photo Credit: Moda Operandi

Photo Credit: Moda Operandi

Photo Credit: Moda Operandi

Photo Credit: Moda Operandi

Dreamland - Frank Romero Exhibition

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

Photo Credit: Hermosa Journal

   This is the closing weekend of Dreamland: A Frank Romero Retrospective at the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA).  Romero, a legendary Los Angeles painter, is spectacularly celebrated in this wonderful exhibit.  While it is hard to miss some of Romero’s large pieces, like History of the Chicano Movimiento (1999) or The Arrest of the Paleteros (1996), visitors will encounter beautiful work of all sizes and mediums.  The exhibition spans over 50 years of Romero’s artistic career, from the 1950s to his more recent time in France.  There is so much to discover in this first solo exhibition of a Chicano artist at MOLAA - don’t miss out!

Dreamland: A Frank Romero Retrospective at MOLAA closes Sunday May 21, 2017.

Lipstick It To The Man - The Lipstick Lobby

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: The Lipstick Lobby

Photo Credit: The Lipstick Lobby

   Are you angry with the current presidential plan to slash Planned Parenthood funding, but feeling too overwhelmed to hit the streets in protest?  Now you can make a big statement against the proposed defunding by applying lipstick.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The small act of applying lipstick has turned political in a major way.  

   The Lipstick Lobby, a newly launched initiative by Studio71 and the talented Davida Hall, has created a signature shade of pink lipstick to help combat the current state of affairs.  Sales of KISS MY PINK, the aptly named color, will help fund Planned Parenthood as 100% of net profits will go to the cause.  That’s right, 100%.  Planned Parenthood (ICYMI) is a 100 year old nonprofit that provides high quality, affordable healthcare to millions of people a year.  Imagine all that pink lipstick turning into green dollars and helping the storied organization.

   The decision to buy KISS MY PINK is a reminder that seemingly inconsequential choices can cause big ripple effects.  Now you can choose to support Planned Parenthood and fashionably pout about the situation.  Something tells us that we’ll be seeing an ocean of pink colored lips around town in the very near future.

Photo Credit: The Lipstick Lobby

Photo Credit: The Lipstick Lobby

Orange Roses - Every Mother Counts

Norma Newton

Photo Credit: Greetings Express

Photo Credit: Greetings Express

   Every Mother Counts (EMC), an organization committed to making pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, has partnered up with some fun labels (hello, Toms and Claire V.) to produce some great gifts for Mother’s Day.  This collaboration, known as the Orange Rose collection, is part of a larger campaign aimed at bringing awareness to the fact that over 300,000 mothers die every year from childbirth and pregnancy complications.  Proceeds from the Orange Rose collection will go toward helping EMC’s efforts that connect women with critical care services.  If you choose to buy something for that special mother in your world, perhaps you will consider selecting a gift that will also help save lives.  Now, that’s making your money work!  Your mom would be proud.

Photo Credit: EMC Founder, Christy Turlington Burns (Every Mother Counts)

Photo Credit: EMC Founder, Christy Turlington Burns (Every Mother Counts)